
Ship Name Information


Composition:Mako + Korra

Source:The Legend of Korra

Meaning:"Makorra" symbolizes the powerful bond between two strong individuals who complement each other's strengths and navigate challenges together with resilience and love.



Generation Method

  • Take the first syllable or part of each character's name.
  • Combine them to create a portmanteau.
  • In this case, "Ma" from Mako and "kor" from Korra.
  • The resulting combination is "Makorra."

Generation Rules

Character Introduction


Mako is a skilled firebender and a protective older brother. He works as a member of a team dedicated to maintaining peace and order. Mako is known for his serious demeanor, deep sense of responsibility, and his complex romantic relationships, especially with various characters in the series.


Korra is a headstrong and determined waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe. As the Avatar, she is tasked with maintaining balance in the world. Known for her physical prowess and unwavering spirit, she faces numerous challenges while discovering her own identity and purpose.

Ship Quotes

"There's a time for playing it safe, and a time for taking risks." - Mako
"You're the only one who really knows me." - Korra
"You're the Avatar. You can do anything." - Mako
"You're not just a firebender. You're a part of me." - Korra

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