
Ship Name Information


Composition:Shiro + Lance

Source:Voltron: Legendary Defender

Meaning:"Shance" symbolizes the powerful bond between Shiro and Lance, representing their unwavering support and friendship that evolves into a deep connection amidst challenges.



Generation Method

  • The ship name "Shance" is created by combining parts of the names of two characters, Shiro and Lance.
  • The first part of the ship name comes from the beginning of "Shiro".
  • The second part of the ship name is taken from "Lance", specifically its ending.
  • This blending of syllables is a common method used in fandoms to create unique identifiers for romantic pairings.
  • The goal is to create a catchy and memorable name that fans can use to refer to the relationship between the characters.

Generation Rules

Character Introduction


Shiro is a skilled pilot and leader with a strong sense of duty and compassion. He has a mysterious past and is known for his bravery in battle. Shiro's unwavering determination inspires his team, and he often serves as a mentor figure to younger members.


Lance is a charismatic and skilled pilot known for his sharpshooting and quick wit. Initially portrayed as a flirtatious and somewhat overconfident character, he grows to show deeper bravery and loyalty, becoming a key member of the team as they face numerous challenges together.

Ship Quotes

"You're not alone, Lance. You've got us." - Shiro
"You're the best leader I could ask for." - Lance

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