


组成:John Murphy + Raven Reyes

作品来源:The 100

寓意:"Murven" symbolizes the unbreakable bond between two resilient souls who find strength in each other amidst chaos and adversity.




  • Combine parts of the names: The ship name "Murven" is created by blending the last names or notable syllables of the characters' names.
  • John Murphy: The first name "John" contributes the "Mur" part, and the last name "Murphy" reinforces it.
  • Raven Reyes: The first name "Raven" provides the "ven" part of the ship name.
  • The process involves selecting distinctive phonetic elements from each character's name that sound harmonious together.
  • Common practice in fandoms to create ship names by merging names, making them catchy and easy to remember.



John Murphy

John Murphy is a complex character known for his tough exterior and morally ambiguous decisions. Initially portrayed as a self-serving individual, he evolves throughout his journey, showcasing adaptability and resilience while grappling with loyalty, survival, and the consequences of his actions.

Raven Reyes

Raven Reyes is a brilliant mechanic and engineer known for her resourcefulness and intelligence. She often uses her skills to solve complex technical problems. Fiercely independent and strong-willed, Raven faces numerous challenges with resilience, showcasing her determination to survive and protect her friends.


"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." - John Murphy
“Let’s just make it through this.” - Raven Reyes
