


组成:Finn + Poe Dameron

作品来源:Star Wars

寓意:The union of "Finnpoe" symbolizes the strength found in friendship and love amidst the chaos of war, where two courageous souls support each other in their fight for freedom and justice.




  • Combination of names: The ship name "Finnpoe" is created by combining the names of two characters, Finn and Poe Dameron.
  • Initial syllables: The first part "Finn" is taken directly from Finn's name, and "poe" is derived from the second part of Poe Dameron's name.
  • Phonetic blending: The names are blended phonetically to create a smooth and unique ship name.
  • Fan culture: This practice of creating ship names is common in fan communities, where relationships between characters are popularized.




Finn is a former stormtrooper who defects from the First Order. He becomes a key figure in the Resistance, fighting against tyranny. Driven by his quest for freedom and justice, Finn forms strong bonds with allies like Rey and Poe, showcasing bravery and loyalty throughout the struggle.

Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron is a skilled pilot and a key member of the Resistance. Known for his bravery and loyalty, he flies the T-70 X-wing starfighter, often leading missions against the First Order. Poe's camaraderie with friends like Finn and Rey showcases his leadership and heroism.


"I’m not looking for anything. I just want to help." - Finn
"You're not just a soldier. You're a hero." - Poe Dameron
